Tuesday, March 8, 2011

100 Years of International Women's Day

In 100 years, women in the United States have gained the right to vote, personal control of our bodies, positions in government, private enterprise and churches, advancement in education and fields of study. On this centennial, some of these advances are threatened. The 112th Congress with H.R.3, H.R.358, H.R.217 is working to take control of our choices about our own bodies. State legislatures, with the support, and often at the behest of, the governor in Wisconsin, South Dakota, Nebraska are taking safe health and reproductive choice from women. Some legislation is criminalizing miscarriage. Undoing history also are Arizona, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah. The Senate in Michigan is wasting taxpayers' time and money with redundant SB 160 impacting women's safe health, too. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in her anniversary speech said, "The United States continues to make women a cornerstone of our foreign policy." We need to keep women safe, secure sovereignty of our own bodies, reclaim our civil rights, and prioritize women in our domestic policy first. We have no right to counsel other countries when our government is busy eradicating women's access to safe health, violating our legislated freedom, and prosecuting women with ideological agendas.

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