Sunday, February 13, 2011


Touched a tactile thread today. An article about women:men speak led to an article about studies that find what a viewer is touching influences whether a picture viewed is perceived as a woman or man, which led to me giving it all up and calling Geri. Geri is experiencing an editorial writing class, and we talked about using subject passion in choosing what to write. We talked about touch. What touches us, what we touch. We both love books, paper, tile. We both know that touch is needed in life, that touch triggers memory, that touch soothes and reveals. That touch is a precious personal communication. Geri talked about the anonymity of the class: no names on the paper, no names on the comments shared, which is meant to be freeing, but everyone in her class knows who writes her words because she is mature and nurtured in her time and place: her writing reveals her. Young people communicate in big groups who do not touch. Our time and place is/was face-to-face, one-with-one. We wondered what the future would be in touch. Keep in touch. Reach out and touch someone. If we don't touch each other and touch our world, are we truly connecting? Will we lose our sense of touch in the future Geri and I will not see or hear?

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