Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Depends or Attends?

I'll shop for diapers today. Scott has a new companion with ExpertCare, and I like her truthfulness, and she said it's time. Trolling the internet, can't yet find a good source for a purchase decision, so we'll wing it for now. I like the names of the drugstore brands. Good marketing creates comfort, whether the products do or not. I hope he'll understand the use, but am prepared to be serene about what's next. I remember laughing at my brother-in-law when he told my sister the week that their youngest child was potty-trained "Well, Susan, we're out of the diaper business: right up until the minute we both need them." Among the small joys of this time in our lives is that there is information to be had quickly, there are books to read that calm the spirit and help make adjustments like the one I just finished. Twelve by Twelve is about the luxury of enough. Scott's happiness with a cup of coffee out in the world, a dinner made especially for him, his music, his room, a warm shower, is a little piece of heaven. And today with the ice fully cleared off the path, my legs and back feeling good with the hard work, the sun is shining in a world of snow poofs in the trees. The luxury of enough.

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