The Christmas tree has been set on my desk for the last 6 holidays. I moved the dollhouse next to my workspace this year, so I decorated the living room of the house. I just have to open the front to see the holiday decorations. It's lovely by candlelight. A stocking is hung on the fireplace screen. The gingerbread man lost an arm and I'll make a new one before the decorations are put away for the year. The Christmas sheet music is on the piano, and Frosty the Snowman is up next. Wrapping paper, empty boxes, scissors and tape are on the coffee table, next to a glass of wine. There are more ornament boxes by the couch. It's my dream couch, made of copper leather. Friend Joel's Hanukkah gifts are on the right. Someone is getting Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. The clock on the mantel is a replica of a clock I made. I bought the real clock in 1980; it's made by a Wayne State University woodworking teacher from padauk and white oak. The torchiere lamp is a dowel, with a 2 liter pop bottle ring as the base, and a piece from my sisters' toy bucket (tiny pieces taken away from gifts to their little children.) The halogen lamp bulb is made of crystal seed beads. The real torchiere is in the living room upstairs. I made the Christmas tree before I found out that you can buy a craft tree at Michael's or JoAnn's! I made each of the ornaments on the tree, from beads and jewelry findings. The rug is a 1:12 scale Turkish rug from Turkey. A poinsettia plant I made is now available at my
etsy shop! The paintings on the wall are miniature prints of my own paintings. It's a special time in the dollhouse! Happy full scale holidays to one and all, and best wishes for a happy and safe new year!
It takes so much time to decorate the big house it's hard to find time for the little house. Ours is played with by little children so we can't be near as creative. We will be putting up a small tree as well as our big tree. Thank-you for sharing your precious creation, it is lovely.