Monday, October 31, 2011

Mom Would Be 85 Today

In this picture she's 21. She was a bridesmaid many times, a bride once. I played in the dresses and hats - mint chiffon, peach taffeta, blue moire silk like a summer sky - the hats stiff net and ribbons. I wish I had played with Mom more, that her life had been more playful. She wanted to live to 100. She lived to 71. I'm sending birthday gift energies. No need for candles, or a pretty scarf, another rose bush, or a happy find I'm excited to give because I know she'll love the gift and the story about finding it. About how I went back to the place she had admired that item, and bought it to surprise her; just as she'd done for me often. No meeting for dinner somewhere with her witch hat on, no mistaking where she and Dad were waiting for us. She's playful and peaceful now, and I feel her love. Happy birthday, Mom. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Odd that I run across this by accident on Mother's Day...not even sure how that happened. some kind of google serendipitous voodoo. lol but Im glad I did. I'm away from my kids this year and my own Mom who is still with us Thank God, and missing them terribly.
    Thank you for the sweet tribute to your Mother..they're wonderful memories to have.

